Project statement

Our aim in this venture is to output a catelogue of music that is diverse, eclectic and maddening in its simplicity.

In order to achieve this goal we will apply all technology ancient and new necessary to provide maximum aural satisfaction for our test subjects.


Project locations

salmesbury studios:owner a.watkins, equipment used: technics1210s, yamaha ex5, 700mhz music orientated pc with yamaha sw1000xg and dsp factory running cakewalk9.

reality studios:owner a.gowland, equipment used: korg n5, roland mc303, 233mhz music oriented pc running cakewalk7.

Latest News

dec2000-mastering continues, 4 down many to go.

  In constant search of the GROOVE...
copyright 2000 plasmid(a.gowland,a.watkins)