
rough demos - watty and hippy side1:Attention, Morrocital, Crappuccino,Steel Dr, Filbert Scubbins take a dive, Cannabanoid Mechanoid, Henbane, Miscible.side2:No sweat (H mix), Chops, No sweat (W mix), 303deth, Orange peel (pith mix), Orange peel (zest mix),Integritiy Degredation.

technologiophagocytic - plasmid side1:Solar Baby, Bien alors, Bodice Ripa, Pitch Anjaru, Eth-Bomb, Power struggle, Belief, Polymorph.side2:Miscible, Saturn FM, Enamel, Energy Field, Wat-po, 144, Alien worm. 


cd1 energyfield / starry night - Plasmid nov2000 1.energyfield 2.starrynight

Mastered tracks nov/dec2000

energyfield, starrynight, Eth-Bomb, 144, Bodice Ripper

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copyright 2000 plasmid(a.gowland,a.watkins)