www.nav.to/technohippy - Music and Art from Reality Studios Inc. |
Welcome to the new Reality Studios website, a site which is dedicated to the collective creative outputs of Dawn of Reality, Plasmid, Planum Temporale and Reality Designs. On this site you will find some small amount of our work ranging from RealAudio clips of our music, a gallery displaying some original pictures, a multimedia studio diary, a few of my rantings and some stuff you might find interesting. so here's the links that will take you around the site. |
Look, a counter!
MULTI-MEDIA DIARY - Keep up with the workings
and goings on at Reality Studios and its associate Salmesbury Studios,
hear the sounds that we are making on a weekly basis. Also try out the
new Reality Studios Radio featuring music from all the bands
on this site.
MUSIC - Reality Studios is the home of Dawn of Reality, Plasmid and Planum Temporale and between us we create a fair amount of music, most of which we hope will be available on this site. ART - As Reality Designs I am a designer with a basis in building surveying and design but more recently I have turned my hand to graphics, creating landscapes and other pictures with packages such as Bryce, Poser, Painter Classic etc. You will find my gallery on this page and hopefully I will soon have work online from other artists that I know. HIPPY ZONE - For some reason I have an attraction to all things associated with hippies, hippy music, hippy art, hippy books. So I have collected together a number of my favourite things, plus some other stuff I thought was funny on this page. LINKS - This I where you ... well you know. Have look at what I look at on the web. |
copyright © 2000 andrew gowland |