Music Links

  These pages can be anything from band sites to software and downloads sites


The home of the genius that is Hallucinogen (Simon Posford) and his cronies
Simon Posford A pretty cool fan page with good links to other trance and techno websites and webrings
The sexy sounds of AIR The official website for AIR(french band), Loads of real audio once you wade through the bioigrahies
Lab 4 The Official website for Lab 4, a scottish techno/trance outfit. Check out the realaudio trax "Trancer" and "Candyman". They are Ballistic!

Programmes and Downloads

Propellerhead's Reason This is it, the future of computerised music composition, a whole pro-music studio for less than a half a grand... there are no limits to the joy I feel!
Music Ahhh... Free stuff, now thats what the internet should be all about, not trying to get all your money off you. Mind you some of these programs may persuade you to spend all your hard earned cash
Samplenet Double Ahhh! more free stuff. a veritable athenaeum of samples. Hundreds upon hundreds of copyright free samples of all types and for all users.
Granulator If you like mangling your samples beyond belief, then this is the program for you. It helps you to create all those fatboyslim sounds realtime and guess what?'s free!!

copyright © 2000 andrew gowland