Hippy Stuff

  Here they are, some of my favourite sites on the web in no particular order
Anything hippy, and I mean ANYTHING hippy... its here
Its one of the coolest English towns that there is, go here to find out why
Its the search for ET man!!
John Redfield's Newage Insight site. Talks about his celestine series of books...compelling hippy reading.
He is the Godfather of the newage movement and this is one hell of a site.
All kinds of stuff here, anything remotely alternative is here. Take the ravens quest for some factual info in no particular order.
Consciousness, Spirituality, Digital Darshan, Transpersonal, Enlightenment, Awareness... cool
A webring dedicated to Carlos Casteneda, Bruja of the Toltec tradition and Tensegrity (Magical Passes)

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