
Andy "hippy" Gowland, a one man band and owner of Reality Studios.

click hereto see who I am.

My main musical ventures are intended to be dance/techno/trance, and can be anything from this (short RealAudio clip) to this (another RealAudio short clip), but I also have a full repetoire of acoustic songs as yet unrecorded.
After playing guitar and trumpet in a number of orchestras, jazz combos and yes even singing in a rock group from childhood through to early twenties, I acquired an atari and a copy of Octomed about 6 years ago. It opened my eyes to the possibilities of sequenced music and I never looked back. A year or so later I managed, with the help of Lawson Pilling, to persuade one of my flatmates, Dave Close, to put Cakewalk onto his PC so that we could do some techno on it, Closie soon got the bug and with that Planum Temporale was born consisting of myself, Lawson and Closie (See Planum Page for info).
I had been toying with the name "Dawn of Reality" as a band name for years, and a change of accomodation forced me to build another studio so that I could continue to write Music. At first I used only sound card synthesis Producing trax like this (Life as we Know it... - Dawn of Reality : MIDI file 7:11 mins 63kb). I eventually got a Korg N5 synth and got the usage of Lawsons Roland MC303 and was able to start kicking out trax like this (The Next One - Dawn of Reality : Specially remixed MIDI version of the original outboard Synth track just for you lovely surfers 6:34 mins 80kb). I am still running that setup with the hope of updating in the future. (Money, Give me money!)


And then came the soft synths, ah ha music creation for those with limited budget such as me (see above) and in particular Rebirth, which is responsible for all the tracks bar three on the first two Dawn of Reality and friends CD (see discography for info) a couple of choice tracks are listed below:-
Trax for you to hear
Track Artist File Type Description File size and length Date
Mix one Dawn of Reality (A.Gowland) RealAudio Track for 28.8 kbps an attempt to mix differentiation and integration    
Differentiation Dawn of Reality (A.Gowland) RealAudio Track for 28.8 kbps my second ReBirth track 5:27 mins/832 kb 1999
Inregration Dawn of Reality (A.Gowland) RealAudio Track for 28.8 kbps my first ReBirth track 5:12 mins/810 kb 1999
Elf-Improvement! Dawn of Reality (A.Gowland) RealAudio Track for 28.8 kbps another mad Rebirth effort 5:59 mins/912 kb 2000
Mini Techno Classic Dawn of Reality (A.Gowland) RealAudio Track for 28.8 kbps my first Rubber duck track, mixed on the fly with some stock DOR samples 7:45 mins/1,181 kb 2000

I eventually want to get nearly all my music online in various formats. Until then you'll have to make do with the above trax and the ones in my discography.

copyright © 2000 andrew gowland