Charity Sites

These sites are point and click to donate sites, this means that you pay nothing except the time on your phone bill and good causes benefit everywhere. All paid for buy corporate sponsors... so go on give it a try, do something amazing today! and maybe visit every time you're on the web.
the original site for kids dying of hunger in 3rd world countries
The Rainforest site buys up rainforest thats due to be cut down
The Kids AIDS Site donates time to the care of children suffering from aids
The Child Survival Site donates essential vitamin A to children
The Breast Cancer Site donates free mammograms
The Landmine Site donates care to victims of landmines
Web ReLeaf plants trees
Whitley a VERY, VERY cutesy site which donates to animals in need of care... still, it's the charitable thing to do... I suppose!

copyright © 2000 andrew gowland